Fourth Meeting of the Barcelona Convention Offshore Oil and Gas Group (OFOG)
- Fourth Meeting of the Barcelona Convention Offshore Oil and Gas Group (OFOG)
- 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00
- 2023-05-24T23:59:59+02:00
- When May 23, 2023 to May 24, 2023
- Where Malta, REMPEC
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The Fourth Meeting of the Barcelona Convention Offshore Oil and Gas Group (OFOG) Sub-Group on Environmental Impact will be held in Malta, in our premises, from Tuesday 23rd to Wednesday 24th May 2023.
The principal objectives of the Meeting are:
① Review and provide further guidance on the key outcomes that have been prepared or updated in the current biennium in relation to the implementation of the Offshore Protocol;
② Review and approve for consideration by the 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP 23):
- Offshore Protocol – IMAP Common Indicators;
- Regional offshore standards and guidelines on the removal (decommissioning) of installations and the related financial aspects;
- Amendment of the Annexes to the Offshore Protocol;
③ Inform on the progress of the ratification of the Offshore Protocol and of the implementation of the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan with its comprehensive plan of actions, looking for its long-term sustainable implementation;
④ Support sharing of best practices and lessons learnt among the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, and other relevant international organizations, MAP partners and the private sector regarding offshore activities.
English |
Français |
REMPEC/WG.55/1/Rev.1 |
REMPEC/WG.55/1/1 |
REMPEC/WG.55/2 |
Offshore Monitoring Programme – IMAP Common Indicators
Programme de surveillance Offshore – Indicateurs Communs IMAP |
REMPEC/WG.55/3 |
REMPEC/WG.55/4 |
Technical review of the Annexes to the Mediterranean Offshore Protocol |
Examen technique des Annexes du Protocole Offshore de la Mer Méditerranée |
REMPEC/WG.55/5 |
Progress on the implementation of the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan |
État d’avancement de la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action Offshore pour la Méditerranée |
REMPEC/WG.55/6 |
Status of Ratification of the Mediterranean Offshore Protocol |
Point de situation sur la ratification du Protocole Offshore de la Mer Méditerranée |
REMPEC/WG.55/7 |
Coopération technique et programme de développement des capacités |
REMPEC/WG.55/8 |
REMPEC/WG.55/10 |
REMPEC/WP.55/11 |
Guidance Factsheets of the proposed IMAP CIs to be monitored as part of the Offshore Protocol |
- Photos of the Event :