Second Meeting on the development of the Adriatic Sub regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan

  • When May 16, 2023 to May 18, 2023
  • Where Opatija, Croatia
  • Add event to calendar iCal

On the Margin of the Adriaspillcon 2023 held in Opatija, May 16 - 18, a two-day meeting gathering representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia to continue the development of the Adriatic Sub Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan (SCP) will be held. 

SCAT Workshop 2022, Israel (68).png
The objectives of the Meeting are:
  1. to discuss and improve as necessary the draft SCP
  2. to present and disuss the Draft Annexes of the SCP and the Draft Sub-regional Agreement on the SCP
  3. to present the programme of activities to implement the SCP at the short, mid and long term
  4. to agree upon the timetable for the completion of these documents for the review by the third and last Meeting, October 2023

What is Adriaspillcon ?

ADRIASPILLCON 2023 is a conference aiming to present the latest developments in the technical, scientific, legal and organizational fields of dealing with accidental marine pollution, and to provide a forum where national, regional and international institutions, oil, chemical and shipping industries, academic community, individual experts, specialized companies and equipment manufacturers could share their knowledge and experience. 
