Sub-regional Workshop on the assessment of the level of oil spill response planning and readiness management for the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, Closure session online
- Sub-regional Workshop on the assessment of the level of oil spill response planning and readiness management for the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, Closure session online
- 2021-11-23T12:00:00+01:00
- 2021-11-23T17:30:00+01:00
- When Nov 23, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 05:30 PM
- Where Remote
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Following the first session of the Sub-regional Workshop on the assessment of the level of oil spill response planning and readiness management for the Central and Eastern Mediterranean,(online on the 7 and 8 September2021) and the second session of the Workshop consisting on the practical country specific sessions on the use the Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOSTM) and the Oiled Wildlife Assessment matrices (21 September to 4 November 2021) . The Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) is organizing the online closure session of the workshop on November 23rd. Participants who attended the above-mentioned session 1 and/or session 2 activities will attend the closure session to enrich the discussion and contribute in an agreed way forward for the integration of the use of both tools in the future activities in the field of preparedness for response to oil spills.
The workshop aims to
- to present the outcome of the country-specific sessions
- to draw conclusions and recommendations for the way forward.
Information documents