Tabletop Exercise within the Sub regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel
- Tabletop Exercise within the Sub regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel
- 2023-11-21T00:00:00+01:00
- 2023-11-22T23:59:59+01:00
- When Nov 21, 2023 to Nov 22, 2023
- Where Cyrprus
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A Tabletop exercise will be organised in the framework of the Sub regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel. It will consist in a two-day joint spill response desktop exercise between the operational authorities of the three countries. *Exact date, time and location will be confirmed closer to the date*
The objectives of the excercise are :
.1 to test and, as necessary, improve communication between these authorities
.2 to verify contact details/information included in Annexes 1, 2 and 5 to the SCP
.3 to achieve a satisfactory level of communication, cooperation and coordination among the respective operational personnel and REMPEC.