Italy Italy


Internation Conventions of prevention


Legal Instrument Ratification Implementation Transposition of the international intrument in the national legislation
LC 1972 30/04/1984
LC Protocol 1996 13/10/2006
AFS 2001 21/01/2013
SOLAS 74 11/06/1980
SOLAS Protocol 78 01/10/1982
SOLAS Protocol 88 03/03/1992
Load Line 1966 19/04/1968
Load Line Protocol 1988 18/04/1991
TONNAGE 69 10/09/1974
COLREG 72 11/01/1979
STCW 78 26/08/1987
UNCLOS 13/01/1995
MARPOL Annex I & Annex II 01/10/1982
MARPOL Annex III 01/10/1982
MARPOL Annex IV 01/10/1982
MARPOL Annex V 01/10/1982
MARPOL Annex VI 22/05/2006


Legal Instrument Implementation Transposition of the international intrument in the national legislation
BWM 2004

Sanctions for violations

The Administration has the necessary national laws in force to ensure the provision of sanctions of adequate severity to discourage violation of international instruments to which the State is a Party
If yes, how are violations followed up and what are the sanctions (for example, type of fines) imposed?

Ship inspections

Periodic inspections of own ships
The Administration has the necessary national laws in force to provide for ship inspections, and detaining, to ensure compliance with international maritime safety and pollution prevention standards, to which the State is a Party
If yes, how many number of ships are inspected annually and how many of these have resulted in detaining the ship?
Number of ships detained by PSC in the last 3 years
Number of ships detained under the Med MoU
Number of ships detained under the Paris MoU
Number of ships detained under the Tokyo MoU
Number of ships detained under the USCG
Port State Control Inspections
Port State Control Inspections are carried out in your ports
If yes, how many PSC inspections are carried out annually?
Delegation of Authority to Recognised Organizations (ROs)
The Administration has the necessary national laws, including necessary Agreements, in force to delegate authority to ROs
What procedures are in place to monitor the work of the ROs?
Provide list of ROs to whom delegation of authority is granted through such an Agreement.

Casuality investigations

The Administration has the necessary national laws in force to carry out the required casualty investigations
Number of reported groundings in the last 3 years
Number of reported collisions in the last 3 years
Number of reported casualties resulting in pollution incidents in the last 3 years

MARPOL implementation

MARPOL Infringements
The Administration has the necessary national laws in force to ensure the provision of sanctions of adequate severity with respect to MARPOL infringements
If yes, how are infringements followed up and what are the sanctions imposed?
Port Reception Facilities
Surveillance of coastal waters
Surveillance of the waters under your jurisdiction is carried out
If yes, what are the methods and resources available to carry out such surveillance?


Number of Offices, non-technical, technical staff
Head Office (provide full address and contact details)
Number of other Offices (provide full address and contact details of all offices)
Number of non-technical staff
Number of technical Staff
Number of Inspectors (Flag State Surveyors and Port State Inspectors)
Number of flag State Casualty Investigators

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last modified 2021-07-27T10:46:19+00:00