Regional Outlook

The Regional Outlook provides the list of REMPEC Focal Points and an overview of the level of ratification of regional and international instruments, through interactive maps and tables, as well as a regional overview on national contingency plans in the Mediterranean region.

Contact list

Lists of REMPEC Focal Points (Governmental, OPRC, Prevention, 24 hour, Mutual Assistance, MENELAS, and MTWG Focal Point as well as SOx ECA(s) expert) can be access only by REMPEC Focal Points, who are provided with the necessary credential.

Conventions & Protocols

Regional outlook of the status of ratification, by Mediterranean Coastal States, of regional and international legal instruments in the field of prevention of, preparedness for and response to marine pollution from ships.

Document Actions

published on 11/29/2019 last modified 11/04/2021