Syria Syria

Trans-Boundary arrangements


To whom the request has to be addressed
Full name of the institution Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
Department or position General Commission for Environmental Affairs - GCEA
Address (number, street, city) 17 April Street, Kafersouseh, Damascus
Telephone (24 hours a day) +963 (11) 214 07 57/Tel (Home):+963 (11) 322 6719 Mobile: +963 (933) 58 33 14
Telefax +963 (11) 214 07 58
Working hours 08.15- 15.15
E-mail ;


To whom the request has to be addressed
Financial conditions for expert services
Restrictions (visa, etc.) concerning travel to any Mediterranean country? If yes, please indicate which countries
Financial and other conditions (transportation, etc.) for making the equipment or product available to a requesting party No restrictions mentioned in the draft Contingency Plan.
Location of equipment and products and nearest port or airport (city/port, city/airport) National Centre for Marine Anti-Pollution - Banias Sector

Document Actions

last modified 2021-06-07T06:15:45+00:00