Contingency planning
Subregional Agreements and Plans
Cyprus, Egypt and Greece
First Meeting of the National Competent Authorities for the Development of the Sub-regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan (SCP) between Cyprus, Egypt and Greece, 9-10 October 2019, Piraeus, Greece
Cyprus, Greece and Israel
Cyprus, Egypt and Israel
Subregional Contingency Plan for Preparedness and Response to Major Marine Pollution Incidents in the Mediterranean, 1995 (Cyprus, Egypt and Israel)
France, Italy and Monaco
Agreement between France, Italy and Monaco on the protection of the waters of the Mediterranean shore (RAMOGE)
Saint RAphaël MOnaco GEnes POLlution (RAMOGEPOL) plan
Croatia, Italy and Slovenia
Agreement on the Sub-regional Contingency Plan for Prevention of, Preparedness for and Response to Major Marine Pollution Incidents in the Adriatic Sea (2005), Croatia, Italy, Slovenia
First meeting of the competent national authorities of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia for the development of a sub-regional contingency plan for the northern Adriatic, Manoel Island, Malta, 27-28 February 2003
Second Meeting of the competent national authorities of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia for the development of a sub-regional contingency plan for the northern Adriatic, Portoroz, Slovenia, 29-30 March 2004
First Meeting of the Sub commission for drafting the annexes of the Agreement on the Sub regional Contingency Plan for Prevention of, Preparedness for and Response to Major Marine Pollution Incidents in the Adriatic Sea, Zadar, Croatia, 3rd June 2009
For further information on the above meetings, contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities (OPRC Focal Points of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia).
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia
Accord entre le Gouvernement de la République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire, le Gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc et le Gouvernement de la République Tunisienne portant Plan d’urgence sous-régional entre l’Algérie, le Maroc et la Tunisie pour la préparation à la lutte et la lutte contre la pollution marine accidentelle dans la zone de la Méditerranée du Sud-ouest (French only)
Plan d’urgence sous-régional pour la préparation à la lutte et la lutte contre la pollution marine accidentelle dans la zone de la Méditerranée du Sud-ouest – Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie (French only)
1ère Réunion des autorités compétentes chargées de la mise en œuvre du Plan sous Régional du Sud ouest de la Méditerranée, Alger, 20-21 juin 2005
2ème Réunion des autorités compétentes chargées de la mise en œuvre du Plan sous régional du Sud ouest de la Méditerranée, Rabat, 23-24 janvier 2007
3ème Réunion des autorités compétentes chargées de la mise en œuvre du Plan sous régional du Sud ouest de la Méditerranée, Tunisie, 21-22 avril 2008
4ème Réunion des autorités compétentes chargées de la mise en œuvre du Plan sous régional du Sud ouest de la Méditerranée, Tunisie, 11 octobre 2010
5ème réunion des autorités nationales compétentes chargées de la mise en œuvre du Plan sous-régional d'urgence entre l’Algérie, le Maroc et la Tunisie (Alger, Algérie, 27-28 novembre 2018)
For further information on the above meetings, contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities (OPRC Focal Points of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia).
Workshops and Seminars
Sub-regional Training Course
Tunis, Tunisia, 12-14 October 2010
Sub-regional Train the Trainer Course on Oiled Shoreline Assessment (French only)
Field Mission (ALBANIA)
September 2010
Field Mission for the Finalization of the National Contingency Plan of Albania
National Workshop (MONTENEGRO)
Bar, Montenegro, 7-9 September 2010
National workshop on Contingency Planning
Field Mission (MONTENEGRO)
May 2010
Field Mission for the Development of the National Contingency Plan of Montenegro
Regional Workshop (FRANCE)
Marseille, France, 11-12 May 2009
Regional Government and Industry Workshop on Cooperation in Preparedness for and Response to Oil Spills in the Mediterranean Sea
Regional Training Course (SAFEMED I)
Brest and Marseilles, France, 11 - 21 June 2007
Pollution prevention and control (INFOPOL) training course
National Workshop (LIBYA)
Tripoli, GSP Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 23 November 2005
National Awareness Workshop on Prevention of, Preparedness for and Response to Marine Pollution Emergencies
National Training Course (SYRIA) - LIFE TCY99/INT/017/SYR
Lattakia, Syria, 16-19 November 2003
National Training Course on Emergency Management
Subregional Training Course (ALGERIA, MOROCCO, TUNISIA)
Bizerte, Tunisia, 29 May to 1 June 2002
Cours sous régional sur la préparation à la lutte et la lutte contre la pollution marine accidentelle (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie)
National Seminar (ALGERIA)
Algiers, Algeria, 2-3 October 2001
National Seminar on the National System for Preparedness and Response to Accidental Marine Pollution
Subregional Training Course (CYPRUS, EGYPT, ISRAEL) – LIFE TCY96/INT/08
Cairo, Egypt, 29 February to 2 March 2000
Subregional Training Course on Emergency Management
National Workshop (LEBANON)
Beirut, Lebanon, 10-12 April 2000
National Workshop on National Contingency Plan for Preparedness for and Response to Accidental Marine Pollution
HNS related Workshops & Trainings
Sub-Regional Workshop (EGYPT)
Alexandria, Egypt, 17-20 January 2011
Sub-Regional Workshop on Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Contingency Planning for Arab Speaking Countries
National Workshop (EGYPT)
Alexandria, Egypt, 28-30 October 2008
National Workshop on Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Contingency Planning
National Training Course (TÜRKIYE)
Mersin, Türkiye, 7-10 June 2004
National Training Course on the use of simplified methodology for risk assessment and on emergency response in cases of HNS accidents in port areas of Mersin and Iskenderun, Turkey
National Training Course (MALTA)
Ta' Kandja, Malta, 7-9 January 2002
National Training Course on Strategies for Effective Marine Chemical Spill Response in Port Areas and Their Approaches
National Training Course (LIBYA)
Tripoli, Libya, 12-14 January 2002
National Training Course on Strategies for Effective Marine Chemical Spill Response in Port Areas and Their Approaches
Regional Training Course
Genoa, Italy, 10-14 December 2001
MEDEXPOL 2001: Regional Training Course on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Accidents Involving Hazardous Substances at the Ship-Shore Interface
OPRC-HNS related LIFE Projects
CYPRUS-EGYPT-ISRAEL (1993-1995) LIFE-92-2/INT/02
List of activities carried out and reports produced for the development of a Sub-regional System for combating major marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the territorial sea, coasts and other related interests of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel.
For further information on the activities carried out in the framework of the above mentioned project, contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities (OPRC Focal Points of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel).
List of activities carried out and reports produced for the development of Spill Response Capabilities of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel (Strengthening co-operation between Cyprus, Egypt and Israel in combating major marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect their territorial sea, coasts and other related interests).
For further information on the activities carried out in the framework of the above mentioned projects related to the establishment of sub-regional agreement, contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities (OPRC Focal Points of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel).
SYRIA (2000-2003) LIFETCY 99/INT/017
List of activities carried out and report produced for the development of the National System for Preparedness and Response to Accidental Marine Pollution in the Syrian Arab Republic (2000-2003).
For further information on the activities carried out in the framework of the above mentioned project, contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities (OPRC Focal Points of Syria).
TÜRKIYE (1999-2002) LIFE TCY 98 TR/011
List of activities carried out and reports produced for the Risk Assessment of the Ports of Mersin and Iskenderun, Turkey and Associated Capacity Building for State of Readiness and for Response to Marine Pollution.
For further information on the activities carried out in the framework of the above mentioned projects contact should be made with the relevant competent authorities in Türkiye (OPRC Focal Points of Turkey).