7th Inter-Secretariat Meeting between Regional Agreements, EMSA and DG ECHO – Mar 01, 2011

The 7th Inter-Secretariat Meeting between Regional Agreements, EMSA and DG ECHO, was hosted by REMPEC in Malta on 1st March 2011.

The goal of this meeting is to once a year exchange information regarding preparedness and response activities between the European Commission represented by DG ECHO and EMSA’s Preparedness and Response Unit and Regional Agreements which include HELCOM, OSPAR, the Bonn Agreement, the Lisbon Agreement, the Barcelona Convention and the Bucharest Convention.The meeting discussed the following subjects:

  • Review of Regional Agreement Activities & Projects
  • European Commission/DG ECHO Activities
  • EMSA Activities
  • Risk Assessment
  • Surveillance and monitoring tools
  • HNS
  • Dispersants
  • Common Areas of Work

On 2nd march 2011, Transport Malta invited participants to visit their pollution response equipment depot and followed with the visit of EMSA stand-by oil recovery vessel ‘Santa Maria’.