Launch of the West MOPoCo Website ( – Sep 13, 2019

In the framework of the Project Western Mediterranean Region Marine Oil and HNS Pollution Cooperation (West MOPoCo), co-financed by the European Commission to run during 2019-2020, REMPEC is glad to announce that the Website of the West MOPoCo Project, is now live at the following address:

The Website provides detailed information on the project, its activities, related news and events and give access to downloadable material prepared under the project.

West MOPoCo supports Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia in collaboration with Monaco in strengthening their cooperation in the field of preparedness for and response to oil and Highly Noxious Substances (HNS) marine pollution and in improving the quality and interoperability of their response capacities.

The Project is implemented through an inter-regional effort, including the participation of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), the Bonn Agreement for the North Sea and the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) for the Baltic Sea. The project benefits from the technical support of expert partner institutions such as Cedre, ITOPF and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA).

To know more about the project and follow its progress, consult the First West MOPoCo Newsletter and visit the West MOPoCo Website regularly updated by the West MOPoCo Team.
