Training & Capacity Building
Training and capacity building are at the core of the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan, which contains a list of topics for technical support for the development of standards and guidelines, as well as other training topics in Annex 2. This is in line with Specific objective 3 on establishing a technical cooperation and capacity building programme. It is envisaged that in addressing each topic, the trainings will cover the requirements of the (i) Offshore Protocol and other relevant policy frameworks/international regulations, (ii) Competent Authorities and (iii) Industry, informing about the best available practices and procedures in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere. The overall objective is to strengthen national capacities and enhance regional harmonization.
In designing the training programme for the upcoming biennium 2022-2023, REMPEC relies on its cooperation with partners, such as International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), UNEP Oil for Development Partnership and others.
Table: List of training topics included in the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan, indicating the ones organized by UNEP/MAP or for which UNEP/MAP facilitated participation of Contracting Parties to events organized by its partners.
Training topic |
Organized by UNEP/MAP |
Facilitated participation |
1. Monitoring |
2. Use and discharge of harmful or noxious substances and material |
3. Disposal of oil and oily mixtures and on the use and disposal drilling fluids and cutting
Online training workshop (November 2021) |
4. Offshore platform Preparedness and Response & Contingency Plan Assessment
MEDEXPOL 2013 -Workshop on Regional Response Capacity and Co-ordination for Major Oil Spill in the Mediterranean Sea (MEDEXPOL 2013) — REMPEC Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) |
5. Removal of installations
Global Webinar Series – Decommissioning oil and gas fields: Best environmental practices (October 2021) |
6. Safety measures including health and safety requirements and fire fighting |
7. Minimum standards of qualification for professionals and crews |
8. Granting of authorisations |
9. Inspection/sanctions (Installation/Discharge/Competent manning) |