Marine Litter

Marine litter is the result of human activities on land and at the sea that can have a far-reaching and dramatic impact on the environment and people’s health. To confront this issue a series of concrete initiatives have been proposed. These initiatives, taken by national, regional and international actors involve working together to alleviate, and purposefully eradicate the worrying impact marine litter has on our daily life.

REMPEC, as an acting body under the framework of Barcelona Convention, committed to the mission of environmental protection, has been actively undertaking assignments addressing the issue of marine litter.  More recently REMPEC has been coordinating the relevant activities assigned by the EU-funded “Marine Litter-MED” Project and the Cooperation Agreement between IMELS and UNEP, to explore ways for providing incentives for ship-generated waste to be discharged at ports rather than at sea, in particular by adopting the No-Special-Fee system for the use of port reception facilities, by means of carrying out Study, developing Guidance document and Operational Guidelines, implementing pilots and holding national meetings.

