Lancement d’une demande de propositions pour fournir des services de conseil liés à la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour une proposition de désignation éventuelle de l’ECA SOx Med (anglais uniquement) – 10/06/2020
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) launches, through its Procurement platform, a request that seeks proposals from qualified companies for the provision of consultancy services related to the implementation of the road map for a proposal for the possible designation of the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (Med SOx ECA) pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI, within the framework of the Barcelona Convention.
The Terms of Reference detailing the assignments and expected outcomes of the consultancy services were reviewed by the SOx ECA(s) Technical Committee of Experts and grouped the activities to be led by REMPEC, the Mediterranean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (MED POL) and the Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre (PB/RAC), into the following LOTs:
- LOT 1: Draft submission to the IMO (Lead Entity: REMPEC, in cooperation with MED POL and PB/RAC);
- LOT 2: Land-based emissions control measures of SOx and PM in the Mediterranean coastal States (Lead Entity: MED POL, in cooperation with REMPEC);
- LOT 3: Additional analyses of fuel supply and alternative compliance methods (Lead Entity: REMPEC); and
- LOT 4: Additional economic impact evaluation (Lead Entity: PB/RAC, in cooperation with REMPEC).
The Request for Proposals launched by the IMO relates to LOT 1, LOT 2, and LOT 3, and is available here.
Deadline for proposals: 12 p.m. (UK local time or UTC/GMT +1 hour) on Wednesday, 24 June 2020.