Croatie Croatie

National & système régional - National & plan régional

Plan d'urgence national

Apprové En projet En préparation Aucune information Assisté par le REMPEC Date
Type de test

Communication/Full scale exercise

Fréquence de test

yearly at national & county level/1 yearly at country level and 1 every 3 year at national level

Législation nationale pertinente adoptant le plan

Adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the basis of the Environment Protection Law (OG 110/2-07, article 50, paragraph 4) and the Maritime Code (OG 181/04, 76/07, article 63, paragraph 2)

Le plan de maintenance

Headquarters for the NCP implementation

Mise en oeuvre du plan

Overall responsibility at the State level: Headquarters for the NCP implementation (designated by the Government of the Republic of Croatia among representatives of state administrative bodies responsible for sea, environmental protection, nature protection, interior affairs, water management, foreign affairs, finances, protection and rescue, defence and search and rescue at sea MRCC)

Accords sous-régionaux

Actions sur le document

Dernière modification 2021-07-27T10:18:54+00:00