National & système régional - stratégie de lutte
Contrôle et évaluation
Image satellite | EMSA Cleanseanet |
Surveillance aérienne | Mainly: Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (Sasemar) There are also another Ministries available for monitoring: Guardia Civil (Ministry for Interior), Servicio Aéreo de Rescate (Ministry for Defence), Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera (Ministry for Treasurement). |
Surveillance navale | |
Modèles de prédiction | OILMAP/SARMAP (ASA) and ESEOO (TESEO) (establecimiento sistema español de oceanografía operacional) |
Lutte en mer
Utilisation de dispersant |
Coordination between local Maritime Authority (Harbour Master Office) and SASEMAR (local MRCC) in affected zone |
Surveillance aérienne |
The use of dispersants is only authorized in a case by case basis, by the local services of the DGMM (Harbour Master offices). |
Législation connexe | |
Délimitation des zones d'utilisation des dispersants | |
Identification de l'autorité en charge de l'autorisation |
The previous product approval is carried out by the Marine Pollution department in the DG Merchant Marine (DGMM). The final authorization for use in a case by case basis is done by the local services of the DGMM (Harbour Master offices) |
Procédures de test des dispersants |
For a dispersant to be approved, three types of analysis are carried out (effectiveness, toxicity and biodegradability), by a scientific institute dependent on the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Dispersant testing is carried out by the Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX). |
Liste des produits approuvés |
Liste des laboratoires compétents autorisés |
Dispersant testing is carried out by the Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), dependent on the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. |
Confinement et récupération |
Detail in Section 5 |
Brûlage (In situ burning) |
Detail in Section 5 |
Protection et nettoyage du littoral
Protection du littoral |
Detail in Section 5 |
Nettoyage du littoral |
Ministry of Environment is the national authority in charge of shoreline cleanup operations. Also Autonomous Governments and ports are to be prepared for shoreline operations. |
La communication
Activités d'exploitation | |
Relation gouvernement / industrie | |
Relation publique | |
Relation avec les médias |
Gestion des déchets
Politique nationale concernant les déchets d'hydrocarbures | |
Traitement / Installations de dépôt / Solutions |
Oily waste recovered on sea is delivered in oil terminals. Oily waste recovered on shore are to be managed by the competent environmental authorities (ports, Autonomous Governments, and Ministry of Environment). |
Intégration d'experts internationaux dans l'organe de coordination |
Demandes d'indemnisation
Base juridique des demandes d'indémnisation au niveau national |
Spain is a Memeber of CLC Convention, FIDAC and Bunkers Convention |
Réclamations inclus dans le plan d'urgence | |
Structure nationale chargée des demandes d'indémnisation |
Gestion des volontaires
Gestion des volontaires prise en compte dans le plan |
Protection de la faune
Mesures de protection de la faune (espèces protégées et autre faune marine) |