Slovénie Slovénie

National & système régional - National & plan régional

Plan d'urgence national

Apprové En projet En préparation Aucune information Assisté par le REMPEC Date
Type de test

Full Scale Exercise

Fréquence de test

Once every 5 years

Législation nationale pertinente adoptant le plan

• Protection Against Natural and Other Disasters Act (2006 • Regulation on specifications for emergency plans (2006, • Regulation on the organisation, equipment and training of protection, rescue and aid forces (2002 • Instruction on the analysis of threat assessments (1995), • Instructions on providing information on natural and other accidents (2008)

Le plan de maintenance

The leading of protection, rescue and relief forces is regulated by the Protection Against Natural and Other Disasters Act (Official Gazette, No. 51/2006). Pursuant to the Act, protection against natural and other accidents is organised and implemented as a unified system at local, regional and national level.

Mise en oeuvre du plan

Civil Protection Commander, together with the Coastal Region Civil Protection Headquarters. •Ministry of Defence; •Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief; Armed Forces; •Ministry of Finance; • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food; •Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning;•Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and • Non-governmental /Organizations

Accords sous-régionaux

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Dernière modification 2021-06-04T08:43:44+00:00